
Other Blogs What I Write!

I write 2 of the damn things, I thought I’d immerse myself fully and pretty much just found that I have too much to say about too many things. Many other Bloggists have the one and manage to organise it well, with areas and things for blogs on differing subjects, I think it helps with the number of viewers they get too. I’m simply not that organised and don’t want to pay for a theme which does the job for me, so seperate blogs is what I’ve got.

Tottenham Hotspur is my main passion, so I have a whole blog dedicated to that subject…

I also have a main page (with very little there) which I plan to use to organise my blooging activities from a central point. Hopefully I’ll find a way of posting and linking out to all my blogs from there, but fuck knows if I’ll manage it. Also, I’ll probably have forgotten to change this by the time there is something there. So maybe there will be loads. But probably not.

Websites I Like

I have spent far too much of my life cruisin’ round the internet whilst bored. I have accumulated a number of favourite sites from the 40% of the internet that isn’t pornographic and the best of these are as follows: –

David Thorne’s irreverent take on life online and life in general. And to offer you the most commonly known and referenced reminder of his talents, it is he of the seven legged spider e-mail.

The Spurs forum I frequent most frequently!

The campaign is pretty much over, but this is an eternal record of the cause we fought for. I must admit I am proud of what all my friends in this group acheived together.

I get all my Spurs news from here. Although I recommend you find the settings option and choose to hide blogs. They aren’t news, they are shit.

Other Blogs What Other People Write.

You may have noticed from my ‘About’ page that I don’t actually read any blogs, in fact, I recommend you don’t either since you will get all of the unbalanced, biased, poorly researched and unnecessarily vociferous opinion you need right here! However, if you feel like you’d like to check out some other opinions (if only to verify that this is the only place you need to be) then I probably ought to give a little point in the right direction: –

I actually laugh at this blog and agree with most of it too! A pretty balanced blog by a committed and talented blogger. A twitter buddy of mine too!

Another tweet-artist, Tom (or Dr) Winston talks about stuff.

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